Who We Are…

My name is Jennifer Puhl and all throughout my life, all I envisioned for myself was having a family of my own and working with animals. I have taken care of children and animals for as long as I can remember. So, growing up I would babysit children and rescue every animal that lived outside, up to and including the squirrels 🙂  We had even taught some squirrels to eat out of our hands.  The passion grew more intense and developed as I got older. When I turned 17 I began working at a pet store and than for a veterinarian at the age of 19. I worked there until I became pregnant with my first child. It was then when I witnessed a dog get put to sleep because her tumors were so severe they ruptured. I cried so hard they sent me outside so I would not be seen or heard by the grieving family.  It was at that moment I knew I wanted to be more involved with the beginning of life and less involved in the end of life in animal care.  Some people have it and some people don’t.  But it seemed that no matter what type of care or rescue I’d give to an animal, death was always going to be a part of it. It was a very hard lesson for me in life since I have always been overly sensitive.  

Years later I have become a lot stronger. I had worked a lot in rescue and rehabilitation of animals since my younger 20’s. And during that time we had rescued 4 basset hounds that were in such great need, I had to bring help in to assist in removing fleas off of them that would have grossed just about anyone out. They were malnourished and in great need of extra love and care. It was the first experience I had ever had with the basset hound breed. But my love and admiration of basset hounds didn’t even begin there.  It wasn’t until 2014 when I told my father I really wanted to get into dog breeding but wasn’t sure the breed.  He remembered a good ole basset hound from back when he was a younger lad. He must have talked about that dog for hours. It was then we had decided that basset hounds was going to be our breed. All we needed now was to learn everything there was to know about them and more. lol Sound easy enough? Not really. There is a ton of information out there about breeding and also about the basset hound. And there began my search for information and our very first basset hound puppy.  

In the spring of 2015, we had gotten our first basset hound sisters, Katie and Bella. And a few months later, we found Rufus. Even after, we got them I was scared about going back into breeding. I wasn’t sure I was ready for the responsibility, demands on our schedule, or even if we had enough knowledge.  But life isn’t worth living without taking that leap. And as we watched them grow and morph into the amazing dogs we ALL have come to love and enjoy my absolute admiration for the breed began. We now have several basset hounds that we care for and no, not all of them are breeders. But, I have dove right into learning all that I can about breeding, and about the basset hound breed; that I have myself, became a breeding mentor to other new breeders. It is with the combined love and passion we share for our babies that truly bonds most of us together. And in the end, our shared knowledge that we have learned can benefit other breeders and their babies. And for that reason, I continue to be the absolute best role model I can be for others and also to provide the absolute best puppies a breeder can offer. For I truly believe you can have a dog from the best quality stock and without love and passion you wind up with just another puppy thirsty for love and attention. I have seen it so many times with breeders. They get two gorgeous dogs and breed them and the result is horrendous. Puppies look malnourished, almost sickly and badly needing the basics of care.  So, with that said I continue to reach out to fellow breeders and help them obtain the knowledge needed to go forward in their quality of care that is administered to their puppies.  Life couldn’t be better. Basset Hounds are just an absolutely amazing dog breed. I cannot imagine my life without them.

What We Do…​

Blue Ridge Basset Hounds was founded in 2015. And although we are a fairly younger breeding kennel, we are quite experienced in all things basset hound. We could not love this breed anymore than we already do. We are located in Taylors, SC which is nestled in between Greenville and Spartanburg. We provide more services than any other breeder out there. And that’s a promise. At Blue Ridge Basset Hounds; Our bassets are more than pets. They’re Family!

We do more than provide families with just another puppy. We have carefully selected bassets that fit the size, build, health, temperament and confirmation that we want to see in our puppies.  Once we find what we are looking for, we closely watch them as they grow to make sure they develop properly and without health issues. Each one of our chosen bassets receive thorough health screening and a full physical to make sure they continue to pass our expectations.  We want to make sure they will produce the absolute best quality puppy for your family.  

Once a litter of puppies are born, we look for traits which are conducive to a career that demands excellence in ability and temperament. We provide very precise testing and early development training to separate those that will make good hunting dogs, medical therapy dogs, or the absolute best companion that they can be.   We provide early learning and development through enriched playtime and capture those key opportunities to help them develop emotionally, socially, and physically from the moment they are born. This is done through exposure to a variety of activities and exercises that are necessary to enable an optimal learning structure and experience. 

We ensure that the puppies are given the right balance of stimulation, play and rest so they enjoy learning and never feel overwhelmed.  We provide structured schedules, safe play and learning and alter it based on each individual puppies developmental timelines. 

We believe that a quality basset hound is not only found through careful breeding but also in early development training. So, if you are looking for a puppy that not only meets your expectations but surpasses them than come to Blue Ridge Basset Hounds where we take the time with each one of our amazing puppies to make sure they are emotionally healthy, well socialized and physically fit. When you bring them home they will be ready for just about anything in whatever direction or adventure life may take them.